
Summarize the Week - I

Pick your personal highlights
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1

Summarize the Week - II

Pick your personal lowlights
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1
Good stuff prompt:
Good stuff 1

Rate the previous Vision

Remember how you wanted your last week to be: the activities, emotions, learnings, and fun you aimed for.
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Did the week turn out the way you wanted it to?

My personal vision for the week was spot on—everything unfolded just as anticipated, with goals met and expectations exceeded.

My vision for the week mostly aligned with reality, though there were a few unexpected turns. Overall, things went well.

Some aspects of my week matched my vision, but many didn't, and there wasn't much progress in the right direction.

The week was a total disaster. Not only did things not go according to plan, but situations also actively deteriorated.

Rate - Sleep

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10: I feel super refreshed and well-rested every morning.

I'm doing okay, but some nights just feel too short or a bit off.

When was the last time I actually slept well? I spend most of my day feeling wiped out.

Seriously, this lack of sleep is killing me.

Rate - Nutrition

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10: I'm nailing it with my nutrition - feeling energized and vibrant with every meal.

Doing alright, though I sometimes miss the mark on healthy eating.

Struggling to remember the last time I had a truly balanced meal; I'm often opting for whatever's quickest.

Honestly, my diet's a disaster. It feels like I'm running on empty.

Rate - Physical Health

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10: I'm on top of the world! My fitness game is strong, and I'm in the best health of my life.

I'm doing okay, holding up pretty well. Just need to stick to my workouts a bit more consistently.

It's been ages since I've felt really fit and at ease with myself. Exercise? Can barely remember what that is.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I need a doctor to get me back on track.

Rate - Mental Health

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10: Mentally, I'm in a fantastic place! I'm positive, resilient, and my mind feels clearer than ever.

I'm holding up alright. Some days are better than others, and I know I could handle stress better.

Honestly, it's been a struggle. My mental energy is low, and the good days are few and far between.

I'm at a point where professional help seems necessary to get through the day.

Rate - Partner & Love

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10: Totally content with my love life, feeling uplifted and valued, whether solo or with someone.

Pretty good overall, feeling appreciated and heard, on my own or together.

A mix, really. Occasional moments of feeling valued, but they're rare.

Tough going, feeling undervalued and unheard, with hardly any meaningful interactions.

Rate - Family

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10: Totally satisfied with my family life, feeling supported and connected, no matter how much or little we see each other.

Pretty happy with my family connections, though I do wish for a bit more closeness or support at times.

It's mixed—occasional moments of connection are there, but I'm often left wanting more.

Feeling distant and unsupported in my family life, craving much more connection and understanding.

Rate - Friends

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10: My friendships are exactly where I want them to be, filled with mutual support and understanding, regardless of our meeting frequency.

Overall, my friendships are solid, though I'm looking to deepen these connections or hang out a bit more.

Things could be better with friends. While there are good moments, they're too few, and I find myself wanting more.

I'm feeling disconnected from friends, really in need of more meaningful interactions and support.

Rate - Mission

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10: I'm actively engaged in my life's mission, dedicating time to what matters most to me.

I'm aligned with my life goals and purpose, though sometimes I struggle with focus or finding enough time.

Now and then, I see what my purpose might be, but I often feel adrift and unable to commit fully.

I'm struggling to discover or pursue my true mission in life.

Rate - Experiences & Fun

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10: I'm fully immersing myself in fun experiences and activities that bring me joy, making the most of every opportunity.

I enjoy my moments of fun and experiences, though I wish I could squeeze in a bit more excitement or variety.

Every so often, I manage to have a bit of fun, but those moments are rare, and I'm craving more fulfilling experiences.

I find it challenging to engage in any truly enjoyable activities, feeling a significant lack of fun and novelty in my life.

Rate - Finances

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10: I'm in a great spot financially, managing my money wisely, saving comfortably, and affording what matters most to me.

My finances are stable, but I'm working towards saving a bit more and achieving greater financial growth.

I'm getting by with my finances, though it's a stretch; saving is hard, and I'm frequently worried about expenses.

I'm in a tough financial situation, unable to keep up with expenses, with no room for savings, feeling overwhelmed by financial chaos.

Rate - Growth & Learning

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10: I'm thriving in my personal growth and learning journey, constantly embracing new knowledge and skills that excite me.

I'm fairly committed to learning and growing, though I sometimes struggle to find the time or resources to pursue it as much as I'd like.

I manage to learn new things now and then, but it often feels like I'm not making significant progress or growing as much as I want.

I feel stagnant, with little to no progress in learning or personal growth, struggling to find direction or motivation.

Reflect on the Good - Gratefulnes

Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Gratefulness question:
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3

Reflect on the Good - Repeat

Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Good stuff 1
Repeat question:
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Tip: Turn it into a specific action item and include any overall practices to replicate this week's positives

Reflect on the Bad - Complain

Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Complain question:
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3

Reflect on the Bad - Improve

Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Bad stuff 1
Improve question:
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer 3
Tip: Turn it into a specific action item and include any overall practices to improve on this week's negatives

Check your Calendar

Check and update the next 2 weeks in your calendar.
Did you discover stuff that needs to be added to your todo list? Stuff that needs to be prepared?
New Todo 1
New Todo 2
New Todo 3

What's Done?

Mark all of your tasks that are done or no longer needed.
And don't forget to bask in the glory of all those finished tasks!
Old Todo 1
Old Todo 2
Old Todo 3
Here are all of your unfinished todos. Pick the ones you want to tackle next week.
Be ambitious, but focus on what's truly important!
Weekly Goal 1
Weekly Goal 2
Weekly Goal 3

Select Next Week's Goals

Mark the goals that are specific and actionable. Refine those that aren't.
Weekly Goal 1
Weekly Goal 2
Weekly Goal 3

Refine and Validate Goals


Vision for Next Week

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Question/Reminder of the Week

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You're done!


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